The Collapsible Can Cooler is the staple of the promotional products industry. Beverage insulators are perfect for the beach, sporting events, tailgates, festivals, weddings, giveaways, and social activities! This is a durable can coolie that will be taken home and reused. The FoamZone Can Cooler is an Eco-friendly, fun, can huggie that will be taken home and reused. American printed, this is perfect for any school, golf, real estate, or healthcare promotion! If fits 12oz. slim cans and regular size bottles. Custom Ordering made easy! Follow these few steps:1) CLICK ON THE ORDER FORM LINK, BELOW 2 ) DOWNLOAD THE DOCUMENT TO YOUR COMPUTER(DOWNLOAD BUTTON UPPER RIGHT)3) YOU MAY HAVE TO SAVE IT FIRST, THEN IT WILL REOPEN.4) FILL IT OUT AND CLICK THE SUBMIT BUTTON TO EMAIL TO AMY.
Production Time 3 Working Days, after approved artwork
Setup Charge $50.00 per order
Exact Art Repeat Orders w/in 1 year, n/c for set-up
Imprint area 3" X 4"
Premium 1/8" Thick Open-Cell Foam with a collapsible design.
Two Sided Imprint or different imprint per side, included. One color ink.
Shipping cost will be added, ships from North GA
FL Towers are required to pay 7% state sales tax.